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Chair of Governors' Annual Statement

Chelford CE Primary School – Annual Governance Statement 2022/23



In what has been the first year unhindered by disruption, the School has enjoyed a life of normality, in which much has been achieved by staff and pupils. The Headteacher and staff have continued to give the same outstanding commitment that we saw during the pandemic in moving the School forward significantly in its development.


The Governing Board has fulfilled its responsibilities very effectively both in terms of providingaccountability and ensuring support for the Headteacher and staff. The Board has provided an important contribution in key strategic decision making, as well as providing valuable input in articulating a clear theologically rooted vision for the School, as a result of training. In doing so, governors have established priorities with the Headteacher which will not only align with that vision but will also ensure that School standards and performance demonstrate genuine progress.



Committee work has been detailed and thorough with wide ranging constructive discussions and decisions. Governors have fulfilled their governance responsibilities seriously and with a commendable sense of professionalism, producing accurate and clear records of meetings, school monitoring visits and training. In establishing an overarching strategy working group linked to project working groups, important strategic decisions have been made which reflect well informed and appropriately researched discussion.


Committees play a vital role in ensuring that governors carry out their duties and responsibilities, but they also allow governors to make use of their specific skills, abilities and experience. Much of our work is undertaken in committees, which enables the FGB to complete essential and important policy decisions and where appropriate meet deadlines in the most effective and efficient way.


Teaching and Learning Committee

Governors have given valuable support to the Headteacher in developing the outstanding curriculum across a number of subjects, as well as performing their accountability role. Activities have involved staff input and explanation, demonstrations of pupil activities and interactive participation in a range of subjects including art, history, geography. Governors have also been given a detailed insight into the Accelerated Reading Programme which has had a positive impact on the enthusiasm for reading and reading standards. Schemes of learning have been reviewed and approved including the Fight for Equality.


The Pay and Personnel Committee

Governors have played a key role in appointing appropriately experienced and qualified staff. The performance management of staff has been monitored and pay reviewed. The HTPMP group has worked with the School Improvement Partner to set detailed annual targets for the Headteacher in line with school development plans, against which his performance is measured. The latest review with the SIP has indicated that the School has made significant progress since the last inspection and the curriculum put in place is judged to be outstanding. This is largely due to the outstanding performance of the Headteacher in producing remarkably detailed and original schemes of learning. 


Finance Committee

Governors have met with the LA Budget Officer each term to set and monitor the budget. Governors have taken prudent spending decisions in line with best value principles and service contracts are reviewed regularly thanks to the diligence of the Bursar.


Premises and Health and Safety Committee

Governors have monitored the condition of buildings and taken decisions to maintain the high quality of accommodation and provide an environment which promotes quality teaching and learning. Plans have been 

approved to enhance the physical environment, including a decoration programme, and a new PE store.


Key FGB Decisions and Actions

  • Review and approval of the School Financial and Value Standard and the Manual of Internal Procedures
  • Ratification of a wide range of statutory and non-statutory policies previously recommended by committees
  • Approval of the annual budget and the three-year plan
  • Approval of Pupil Premium expenditure and monitoring its impact
  • Approving the allocation of SEND resources to meet the needs of pupils
  • Review and approval of the SDP and SEF
  • Review and approval of the section 175 safeguarding audit
  • Approval of teaching and non-teaching staff performance based salaries and the agreement to uplift grades and increments for TAs 
  • Review and approval of the staffing structure
  • Review and approve the new curriculum 
  • Review and approve spending on catch-up and monitoring its impact
  • Monitoring pupil progress data and attainment
  • Engaging with pupils through visits from the School Council


Governor Visits

As part of their monitoring role various governors have undertaken meetings with staff, observed lessons, undertaken conversations with pupils and even had lunch with pupils. Observations have included science, maths, and art lessons and link governors for Safeguarding and SEND have met with relevant staff to monitor and report on their areas. The link governor for EYFS pays regular visits to class 1, liaising with staff, observing lessons, and engaging with pupils. Feedback from governors is thorough and accurate with good analysis and provides a valuable insight into the work of the School


Governor Training

It is encouraging to note that a number of governors have undertaken training this year across a wide range of topics. These include digital monitoring, pupil premium, safer recruitment, safeguarding, governor visits, disadvantaged pupils, compliance, PREVENT, Headteacher performance management, inclusion, bullying and phonics. Several governors also regularly attend the Cheshire East Governor Forum which is an excellent source of information and an opportunity to interact with LA Officers.



It has been rewarding to develop a close working relationship with the School and Mr Brady and to watch how well the School has developed and progressed in 12 months. I am grateful for the commitment governors have given, in providing strong governance and in delivering good accountability. The role is vitally important but demanding, especially for those who have heavy commitments elsewhere.


The School is now set on a course for delivering outstanding education to pupils. The quality of provision and future potential are such that we now find a growing demand for admissions and a significantly increasing school roll. This is largely thanks to the work of the Headteacher and staff, with support from governors. The expansion of the School is now a key strategic decision.


This year we welcome Sarah Jones as parent governor and I hope she will find the role rewarding and interesting. Sadly, we say goodbye to Claire Badger, a long serving member of staff and staff governor. I wish to thank Claire on behalf of the FGB for her excellent service to the School and the FGB over many years. Claire will, I am sure, be greatly missed by staff and pupils and many past pupils will no doubt remember fondly the benefits they gained from her expertise, care, and friendship. 



David Wilson Chair of Governors 6.7.23